David Wilkie’s website

This simple web site is intended for me to put up, in the first place, files about my work on modelling the Coronavirus Covid-19. Then I intend to put up such of my past publications as I have digitised versions of, and then possible drafts of new papers not yet formally published.  I may even get around to a blog of sorts, but that is last on the list.

I have been an actuary for many years, and have worked in Edinburgh, Reigate and now from home, with short spells early on Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.  I have worked mainly in life assurance and consultancy, and briefly in reinsurance.  I learned computer programming very early, and have mainly used that skill to try to do useful research in several actuarial fields, mortality, income protection insurance, investments,  reinsurance in general insurance, and epidemiology, during the AIDS epidemic.  So now Covid-19 is the hot topic, and I can apply my experience to some aspects of modelling it.    

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